Bontrager Rim Bontrager LinePro40 27.5 Disc 28H Anthracite/B
lieferbar in 3-14 Tagen
pro Stück (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten für Standardartikel)
660,00 CHF
Bontrager Rim Bontrager LinePro40 27.5 Disc 28H Anthracite/B
Art.Nr. 559202Farbe: ANTHRACITE/BLACK
lieferbar in 3-14 Tagen
pro Stück (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten für Standardartikel)
660,00 CHF
A wide rim profile supports tires for unmatched traction and cornering in a carbon layup that is light and fast.
A wide rim profile supports tires for unmatched traction and cornering in a carbon layup that is light and fast.
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